
E Significantly improve the overall performance of the transport system by bundling C-ITS services, particularly in complex urban road environments.

E Successfully demonstrate C-ITS application bundles at different pilot sites and involving different road users.

E Develop validated and interoperable ITS deployment guidelines for other European cities to use.

E Bring together the entire C-ITS stakeholder ecosystem to meet the project objectives and achieve large-scale C-ITS deployment across Europe.

E Build an innovative C-ITS architecture based on multi-source datasets to solve key safety and efficiency issues.

E Develop and implement a methodology for evaluating C-ITS application bundles.

E Perform impact assessments and cost-benefit analyses for all C-ITS applications, and create and validate ITS deployment guidelines.

E Liaise with external stakeholders across Europe and the wider world to exchange knowledge and experience of ITS and C-ITS.