C-MobILE Stakeholder Forum
The Stakeholder Forum aims to engage companies, associations, authorities and other actors, both public and private, outside of the C-MobILE project consortium to exchange information, experiences, feedback and best practices.
Members may include industry players, public authorities and users. Academics, researchers, students and the media are also invited to participate.
How to engage
You may wish to join the C-MobILE Stakeholder Forum simply to follow news of project developments, outputs and events, without engaging further with the project. This can be done by registering here and by following our social media (join our LinkedIn group and/or follow us on Twitter @CMobILE_Project).
However we would encourage members to give comments and feedback on our approach and outputs in order to ensure it is applicable and relevant across different sectors and in different European cities and countries.
Please note that by joining the mailing list, your email will be kept confidential and not used for other purposes.
Join the Forum
Public and private organisations as well as individuals can join C-MobILE to take part, experience and benefit from the services deployed by the project.
C-MobILE will organise a Stakeholder Forum each year, along with online surveys, local consultations, webinars & seminars, training sessions, a “mobility challenge” hackathon and a Final Event in 2020. As a forum member, you will be invited to all of these events and notified of others where C-MobILE will be involved (e.g. conferences and congresses).
By registering to the Forum (please see below) you will have the opportunity to explain your main interest in the C-MobILE project and also any other C-ITS European or national projects in which you are involved.
We look forward to having you on board.
Stakeholder Forum events
The next stakeholder event will be announced here when more information is available.
Contact us
General Enquiries: info@c-mobile-project.eu
By opting in to news from C-MOBILE, we will securely store your data for a period of 5 years to send you C-MOBILE-related news and information. We will not divulge your private information to third parties.